In the name of Allah
A part of the cultural, scientific and social activities of Mohammad Taghi Sarmadi, Director of Sarmadi Publications,
hereby are introduced

(Mordad 1391/ June 2012, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Taghī Sarmadī (born 1952), is an Iranian publisher, writer and researcher in medicine, social welfare and security, and also a merchant and pious man. .he is atsothe editor-in-chief of Sarmad Monthly an Iranian independent and nonprofit social and scientific publication, Chartered, in accordance with laws of Islamic republic of Iran, and an oficial and professional correspondent Studied at Tehran which was always his home, of a cultivated élite and beneficent family. His scientific career begun with the writing of the Twenty – Volume Encyclopedia “A Research on the History of World Medicine and Treatment Up to the Present Era” (1997-2008) attracted wide internal and external attention. Sarmadī’s Five-Volume Shah-Koshy (Murder the King/ Regicide) as well as its Index in one separate volume (2002-2006) reflects his interests in the complete history of Iran especially the “Revolution of Constitution of Iran” (H.1324/ 1906). His brilliant medical works: “Rhazes the Axis of World Medicine” (2008) and “Avicenna the Axis of world Medicine” (2008) are strongly reminiscent of the medicine of the middle Ages. Sarmadī’s “A Combat against Heresy” in two volumes was written in 2012.
International Scientific Congress. Sarmadī’s most spectacular success was undoubtedly his scientific paper, “Traditional Medicine in Different Nations” (طب سنتی متداول در میان ملل مختلف)that was presented to the “First International Congress on Traditional Medicine and Materia Medica” (اولین همایش بین المللی طب سنتی و مفردات پزشکی), University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, 6-9 Nov. 2000. The abstract of the papers starts with: “From reviewing ancient civilizations of Mezopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Jewish Community, Greece, Iran, Aztec and Mayas tribes and other ancient countries, it has been inferred that protecting health and well being and restitution of it in the time of sickness has always been the focus of attention by the mankind. For this reason, being aware and bold, efforts were made to find remedies for illness, and were mostly successful.
In 2005, while working on his huge Twenty – Volume Encyclopedia, he was invited to take part at an international congress in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Having journeyed to Dubai, he presented his paper “The Persian Founders of Islamic Medicine” to the Congress “Our Heritage in Medicine: Past, Present and Future.” The abstract reads: “Except for Tebb al-Nabī Islamic Medicine enjoys three important and basic sources of Pre-Islamic and near the advent of the Islamic Era, the Greek, the Persian, and the Indian Medicine. In the middle parts of the eighth century AD Muslims recognized the significance of medical sciences and started translation, compilation and writing medical treatises and books. Ibn-e Rabban, Rhazes, Haly Abbas, and Avicenna are the four outstanding Persian physicians who established the four pillars of Islamic Medicine. A brief biography of these famous figures is presented here.”
ترجمة چیکدة مقالة "بنیانگذاران ایرانی طب اسلامی" که به صورت ایراد سخنرانی به زبان انگلیسی و چاپ در نشریه انجمن طب اسلامی آمریکای شمالی (IMANA)و انستیتو بینالمللی طب اسلامی (IIIM)بوده چنین است: "بجز طب النبی، طب اسلامی از سه منبع عمده سرچشمه میگیرد که عبارتند از: پزشکی پیش از اسلام و حدود ظهور اسلام، یونان، ایران، و پزشکی هند. در اواسط قرن هشتم میلادی مسلمانان به اهمیت دانش پزشکی پی بردند و از این رو ترجمه و تألیف و نگارش کتب و رسالات طبی را آغاز نمودند. ابن ربن طبری، رازی، اهوازی، و ابنسینا که همگی ایرانی هستند ظهور کردند و ستونهای چهارگانة (ارکان اربعه) طب اسلامی را بنیان نهادند. در زیر زندگینامة مختصر این ستارگان تابناک پزشکی ایران و جهان اسلام ارایه میشود."
“Congress on library services and individuals with visual impairment” Tehran, 2012.Sarmadī took part in this congress by presenting a paper under the title “Learning to live with visual impairment”. An excerpt from the abstract of his paper says: “Blindness can be produced by a defect in the visual apparatus at any point from the cornea to the hind portion of the brain which receives the sight impulses and convent them into images. Human being from the beginning has attempted by development of acute senses of touch and hearing enable blind people to become successful individuals of life. From this point of view, the first school for the blind in the world was established in Paris in 1784 by Valentine Haüv who also had the first books for blind persons. Louis Braille’s code system of writing for the blind was published in 1829. Only six dots in different combinations provided the Braille’s alphabet. Today for each person with blindness and visual impairment, a rehabilitation plan tailored to his or her needs and designed to enable each individual to become better equipped to cope with the problems arising from the loss of sight and every day life. In this paper, the facilities and equipments and instruments which help to promote the information of the blind with visual impairment, are presented.
Great admiration for his huge work. Dr. Gholam Reza Afrooz, professor and ex-president of University of Tehran, feeling of respect admired him for his success in writing the Twenty-Volume Encyclopedia. He writes: “The admirable and distinguished work of the prominent writer and researcher, Mr. Mohammad Taghī Sarmadī, in the field and trend of medicine and treatment in the world is an exceptional work. This Twenty – Volume Encyclopedia can be of great value for all thinkers, researchers, and those who are interested in the history of sciences, particularly for physicians and paramedics. The deep study of this Encyclopedia by researchers and students of medicine and biology can provide a basis for the advent of creative thoughts and innovations. The Encyclopedia also can serve as a foundation on which further research may be conducted. I feel proud to announce that Mr. Sarmadī’s vast knowledge along with his valuable experiences, and also his social – cultural contributions to the welfare of the society have entitled this talented researcher to receive a certificate equivalent to a PhD. degree from either a domestic or an international university.
Comprehensive and attentive sources. Professor Mohammad Farjad, Diplome d’état de la F.D.M. de Paris, after reading the first volume (Pioneers and Islamic Medicine) of the so-called Encyclopedia sent a momentous and significant commentary which starts like this: “for the first time in 1998, enthusiastically and with a critical and medical viewpoint, I studied the first volume of the twelve- volume [twenty-volume] medical encyclopedia “A Research on the History of World Medicine and Treatment Up to the Present Era”. In fact, I found this volume a comprehensive and attentive source for those who are interested in Iranian and world medicine and treatment, and for physicians and medical students as well.
A commentary from Germany. Borzuye Journal which is printed in Cologne, Germany, in its No. 46, January 2000 under the title “A review on the history of world medicine and treatment” writes: “There has recently been a great research work in Iran by Mohammad Taghi Sarmadi. A closer review can reveal many values in this effort.
Although no one can definitely determine when first physicians came into being, and when diseases were first treated, we can trace the first steps in this regard to some extent. This research work aims at reaching this goal. The writer has patiently and restlessly searched for clues from thousands of years ago, and the outcome is a fascinating and instructive series. The writer maintains that this search should start in southwest of Iran known to the world as “Sumer.”
The book starts its discussion by going through Mesopotamia, then, Sumerian, Babylonian, Elamite and Assyrian medical knowledge are reviewed and then comes the turn of Egypt. As we thumb the pages, the medical traditions of China and India are presented. The writer also has a closer look at medicine and treatment procedures of Greece and Russia.”
Some selected appreciations, thanks, and commentaries. The following list includes some selected appreciations, thanks and commentaries:
- Dr. Rezā Resā, Idaho, USA.
- The Library of Congress, USA, March 3, 2003.
- International Institute of Islamic Medicine (IIIM) and Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA), USA.
- The Hamdard University Level Library, Pakistan.
- Sacramento Public Library (Arcade Leading Library).
- Iran Zeitung, January 3, 2000, Cologne, Germany.
- Professor Nasser Parsa, senior researcher in cancerology, Ministry of Health and Human services, USA.
- Dr. Iraj Fazel, Chancellor of Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences.
- Ministry of sciences, Researches and Technology, Tehran.
- Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Muvahhedī, gynecologist and surgeon.
- Nāsir Pūyān, writer, publisher, translator and researcher.
- Dr. ‘Alī Mohseni, otolaryngologist and surgeon.
- Mohammad Reza Namani, university professor and director of “Institute of White Cane.”
Monthly and daily journals: Jalinus (Galen) Monthly, Hamshahri Daily, Etelaat Daily, Iran Daily, Entekhab Daily, and some other monthly journal and daily newspapers.
Publisher of a Variety of topics.The published works of Sarmadi Publications are a collection of everlasting, universal and unique topics. He has been able to produce and present vast encyclopedic knowledge of medical history, gnosticism, laws, poetry, play, psychology, English literature and language and suitable books for children and teenagers. In these books attention has been paid to the topics like: pregnancy, labor and childcare, orthopedy and manual works, traditional medicine and medical records, nutrition and treatment of diseases, mythology of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, India, China and many other ancient nations and civilizations are also included.
Leading works of Sarmadi Publications are accompanied by study guides and indices which serve a double purpose. For instance, captions of the photographs and illustrations give the reader a brief outline of the related topics, and in a systematic way, they call attention to many other entries which contain the necessary data, information and knowledge.
Active in many NGO, radio and television and press. Mohammad Taghi Sarmadī the author of many encyclopedic works and books is also active in several NGO, Radio and television of Islamic Republic of Iran and in press. At present, he is the director and editor of “Sarmad” a Persian- English language journal related to the field of cultural, social, art and news.
International Book Exhibition. As an outstanding publisher, he has taken part in international book exhibitions at:
- International Book Exhibition, Tehran, several years with interview.
- International Book Exhibition, Frankfurt, Germany, with interview.
Translation of Book I. Professor Saeed Kanani who is resident of USA has translated Book I (Pioneers of Islamic Medicine) of Sarmadī’s Twenty- Volume Encyclopedia “A Research on the History of World Medicine and Treatment Up to the Present Era” into English language.
Book XX of his Encyclopedia under the title of “Guide Book and Vanguard” is in Persian and English languages and in two separate volumes.
An Interview regarding his Twenty –Volume Encyclopedia:
● please tell us about the history of your activities and your goal in writing this encyclopedia.
● I was interested in writing and cultural subjects from high school. Those days, in preparing mural newspapers, I used to select literary subjects. I continued my cultural activities until gradually I became interested in history. I thought to work on the history of health, the greatest gift of the glorious God to his slaves. In this way, disabled children attracted me more; at that time disabilities were not differentiated from each other and psychomotor and mental handicapped, blind and thalasemic patients were kept together. It’s the greatest honor to me to help them. Therefore, I referred to various universities and organizations and became familiar to relevant authorities; using their help, following up the subject to reach the goal of differentiating between disabilities.
In 1363 (1984), during a congress on privation and its branches, we requested separation of disabilities and we tried to change the attitude of society to these people. Finally, the decision was made to keep them separately. Since then, I started to gather and to study old and recent medical books, articles, theses, internal and foreign documents and evidences to write the Encyclopedia “A Research on the History of World Medicine and Treatment Up to the Present Era” in 20 volumes. From 1378 (1999) after 15 years effort, research and investigation, all the twenty volumes were published one by one.
● Which titles and subjects are included in this encyclopedia? Please tell us some of the contents.
●The first volume of 20 volumes medical encyclopedia has been named “pioneers and Islamic Medicine” in this book, the history of medicine in some of the pioneer countries as Egypt, China, India, Greece and Iran is investigated. The second volume named “Iran from Mogul dynasty to the Present Era” is written in two parts; in other words, the first part of it (the second volume of the encyclopedia) included in medicine and treatment in Mogul, Timurid, Safavid, Afsharid, and Zandid Era, Persian medical services in India, medicine and treatment in Qajar period, communicable diseases, international classification of diseases and causes of deaths. The second part of it (the third book of the encyclopedia) discusses about health and treatment organizations of social security and welfare (Behzisti), Dar-al-fonon medicine, faculty of medicine Tehran and Tehran university, medical ethics, pharmacy in Iran, Pasteur institute of Iran; health, treatment and medical instructional establishment and pictures of personalities and patients from ancient period to recent time. In book IV, “Europe Up to the Latter Parts of 15th century”, the history of medicine in Europe is investigated; we can mention some of its chapters including medicine and treatment of Roman Empire and the European Jews, Jesus, Christian and cure of church medicine, medicine and treatment of Europe, magic, imaginations, superstition and resurrection of medicine and treatment, and finally, hospitals and medical institutes. The 5th volume of the medical encyclopedia is devoted to Renaissance medicine and medical progresses. In this volume, names of scientific and cultural authorities, organizations, internal and foreign newspapers that have paid attention to the encyclopedia by means of their critical articles and valuable evaluations is mentioned. The six chapters of this volume are related to medical evaluations in the Renaissance period, the inquisition and its impact on medicine, plague (Black Death), public health and disease, population and mortality rates in Europe, and inventions in medicine. The 6th book is about medical equipments and world health organizations. in this volume, in addition to some pictures of medical personalities and old and new medical equipments and tools, important activities of world health organizations are mentioned.
● Any of these books has been translated into other languages?
● In the United States of America, professor Kanani has translated the first volume into English and announced his readiness to translate the other volumes. A reputable university in the United States has suggested its translation. The publication of this encyclopedia in Germany has had a positive reflect in the private circles and it is going to be translated to German by Dr. Majdari.
● please explain about the history of medicine and the practice of medicine.
● Galen in his interpretation of the Hippocrates book, Al-Iman (the belief), says: “the discussion that who has developed medicine in the ancient times is a very laborious work.”
In “The history of science”, George Sarton says: “this technique is an unknown and accidental knowledge which has continued to such extent and its effects has been transferred from generation to generation. But, certainly as we can see now in the primitive people, our prehistoric ancestors were experimenting the plants and the other things and they have categorized them to different kinds based on benefit and loss. The desert dweller shepherds knew the simple orthopedic ways and the ways to set the fractured bones. Individuals were driven by necessity to learn obstetric approaches and they taught it to others. In all of these situations, the best and the most severe teacher (i.e. the need) has been continuously the companion of man and have led him. The primitive man was familiar with both herbs and spices and used them for alleviation of pain. He treated his arrow tips with the poisonous drugs and several kinds of poisons. They had access to anesthetic drugs which are even usable at present and are extracted from Coca. May surgeons were making surgical tools by means of flint, volcanic stones or fish bones and done operation with them.
● please explain about the history of hygiene and health.
●In Europe and ancient Iran, the roots of imaginations and superstition, magic, prescience and omniscience had become so firmly embedded in the peoples’ mind that the learned men and scientists were even shared in this optimism. For instance, the ancient Iranians believed that enemies and the evil eye are the causes of illnesses and disabilities but they found later that the causative agents of diseases are others and they resorted to drug and remedy, almost since then early preliminaries of hygiene were paid attention. In the medicine of ancient Iran, health was one of the greatest religious tasks of Zoroastrians. Some of the valuable matters have been referred to the sacred Zoroastrian books is water, bath, baptism, washing the clothes and body, hygiene of soil, dwelling and food, various kinds of food and drink, transmission of diseases and impurity, burial of the dead, patient’s analysis, disease prevention and disinfection. Gradually, recognition of hygiene and health took a new shape and as you know, Islamic and Koranic medicine allowed the most complete approach regarding health. Among these, we can mention instructions of the Holy Prophet in the 4th volume of the book “Behar-al-anvar’ (The sky and the universe) and also the summary of Koranic medicine categorized in three parts: 1. Medicine, 2. Hygiene, and 3. keeping health and good health.
The subjects of the first volume subjects are regarding to the creation of human including development and growth (development of sperm, implantation of fetus and its evolution in the woman uterus and giving to birth), nursing and breast – feeding of children, anatomy and physiology and knowledge of diseases (etiology of human – specific diseases, self – recognition, psychiatry and relations between the maladies of soul and body), treatment of special diseases, or other instructions and death and Resurrection (the future life).
The subjects of the second part are relevant to hygiene; including attention to diseases , self hygiene and health (garment and rest, hair and food hygiene, and attention in drinking) and public health.
The third part is about the matters and means of health and well-being, same as attention to food and avoiding its prodigality and avoiding to eat noxious animal meats (four – legged animals) and to drink alcohol, pay attention to sexual subjects (man and woman relations, avoiding illegal connections, and sexual health) and the other subjects including circumcision, purification, shrouding and burial baptism, disinfection of the deceased, and the like.
Finally, I must explain that the medical encyclopedia is actually the history of medicine. Therefore, in addition to physicians and paramedics and university students, the public can use this encyclopedia.
Tehran, August 2012
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